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Consultancy & Project Management Services

Sport, Dance, Theatre & Education Venues

Performance Sport, Dance & Theatre Flooring Fixed & Telescopic Spactator Seating Systems


Project Management


Who We Are

Sport & Venues offers a personal approach unique to your requirements.

Our service can be tailored from Inception to Installation or any parts in between. Being truly independent means Sports & Venues can offer the best “code-compliant” solutions for your project, unconstrained by manufacturers.

We have years of industry experience and our knowledge and understanding of the sport, theatre and performing art spaces from both the participant, spectator and management perspective places us in a unique position to minimise your risk and ensure that your money delivers value and a positive long-term outcome for your facility.

Seeking professional independent industry advice should not be an afterthought!
Contact Sport & Venues for a cost-free chat with an industry expert.

Get In Touch


Professional 3rd party independent expert advice will help you seamlessly navigate from inception to installation by doing the following:

Identify both your short and long term needs
Provide advice tailored to your requirements, not the suppliers
Evaluate suitable options based on quality, performance & longevity
Contact potential suppliers' referrals and verify past performance
Assess cost to purchase & cost to maintain as a package
Evaluate code compliance, certifications & warranties
Present multiple fit-for-purpose options from suppliers
Negotiate best possible terms, warranty and price

Project Management

Independent overwatch service will save time, stress and will ensure you get exactly what you are paying for the first time:

Arrange, attend & oversee delivery on site
Is the delivered product exactly what was ordered
Spot check installation visit/s
Ensure the installation is being done to the manufacturer's instructions
Assess & approve the release of progress payments 
Handover inspection & onsite training coordination
Warranty & certificates signed off by supplier
Ongoing contact reminders for maintenance intervals during warranty period